Pre-Season Camp

Sporting Iowa Pre-Season Camp

Subhead: ages, facilities, lorem ipsum dolor.


Join us for our upcoming summer pre-season team soccer camp, where we'll be getting ready to dominate the competition in the upcoming season! Over the course of the camp, our players will get plenty of touches on the ball as we focus on developing the skills and techniques and methodology that make our club stand out. We'll also be honing our team's competitive edge, getting back into the rhythm of playing together after summer break. So come join us and get ready to take your game to the next level!


8U-19U Age Groups

August 5th-8th, 2024

9U -14U (2016-2011): 5-6:15pm

15U-19U (2010-2006): 6:30-7:45pm


8U-19U: $100

Jamie McQuillan - Camp Director

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